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The Don Bosco Salesian Education Center (CEDES Don Bosco) in San José, Costa Rica, has organized a series of training sessions to encourage students to participate in the upcoming Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival. Teachers want to ensure students have the necessary tools to


Salesian students won medals for their athletic ability in the National School Athletics Championships held May 23-26. The event, organized by the School Sports Division of the General Directorate of Education in Portugal, brought together more than 1,500 students and 250 teachers from all over


Don Bosco Fambul Childline, with the support of AEXCID and Atabal Foundation, launched a countrywide initiative to combat gender-based violence in Sierra Leone. The goals are to increase awareness on violence and mistreatment of youth, provide support for those impacted, and promote the 525 toll-free


The Salesian Bangalore Rural Education and Development Society (BREADS) launched anti-tobacco initiatives for World No Tobacco Day on May 31. The organization’s DREAM (Drug Rehabilitation Education and Mentoring) teams held a variety of activities and programs for youth in districts in Kerala, India. These programs


The Salesian Family in southern Brazil has mobilized to help those displaced by the recent floods in Rio Grande do Sul. Several activities were carried out by volunteers, groups of the Salesian Family and other associated institutions. The activities have been recognized for their effectiveness


The Supporting Alliance for African Mobility (SAAM) project, an Erasmus+ pilot project financed by the European Commission, tested educational mobility of students and professionals between Africa and Europe in the field of vocational education and training, specifically in the engineering and manufacturing, hospitality, and agriculture