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(Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Many children living in South Sudanese refugee camps have died needlessly because of bureaucratic delays rolling out new vaccines, the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said on Thursday. MSF said it had taken 11 months to procure affordable drugs to vaccinate


(MissionNewswire) Reuters photographer Thomas Mukoya captured a day in the life of abandoned children and at-risk youth at a Salesian-run center in the North Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mukoya initially traveled to the area to cover stories related to the proposed disarmament


(MissionNewswire) In Brazil, the Salesians continue to develop programs and provide youth opportunities for furthering their education and skills. According to UNICEF, large gaps exist between the rich and poor in the country where one in four people live in poverty. At-risk youth are exposed to


(MissionNewswire) In the Sudan, educators are forced to tackle more than teaching basic coursework. The Sudan remains one of the poorest countries in the world and according to UNICEF, has close to 46 percent of its population living in poverty. Low-incomes and food deficiencies remain the norm


(MissionNewswire) Daily life for youth in El Salvador is a constant struggle. Dealing with poverty, instability and high levels of violence, youth without access to educational opportunities face an impossible climb out of poverty. According to the World Bank, close to