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Don Bosco Green Alliance, an international collective of youth from Salesian institutions and organizations that contribute to global environmental action, thought, and policy, participated in a two-day conference titled “Back 2 Nature”, which was held in November 2023, in Bangalore, India.


Don Bosco Muhazi Technical-Vocational School, in the Gasabo district in the Kigali province of Rwanda, is celebrating the arrival of educational materials that will enhance the students' activities. The materials were financed by the ACTEC project, a development program co-financed by the Belgian Directorate-General for


Students in 7th grade at the Salesian Agricultural School in Catemu, Chile, recently won first place in a bottle cap recycling contest to contribute to the care of the environment. The school's initiative also instilled the importance of social responsibility by contributing to waste reduction.


Salesians with Don Bosco Gatenga, located in Kigali, Rwanda, participated in 16 days of social activism to confront gender bias. At the end of this initiative, Salesians held a march to involve the community and highlight the message of the campaign. The march was attended


The Salesian Educational Center in Talca, Chile, raised awareness of the importance and value of diversity, emphasizing inclusive education and non-discrimination. In November, it held a week-long campaign under the motto “We are all different, but in this house we grow together.” Efforts focused on