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(MissionNewswire) Salesian missionaries are providing services to close to 500 migrants who have just reached Tijuana, Mexico and are from the recent migrant caravan coming from Guatemala and Honduras. Missionaries are expecting thousands more in the weeks to come. Salesian Father Agustín Novoa Leyva facilitates the Tijuana Salesian Project


(MissionNewswire) The Salesian-run St. Joseph's Industrial Training Institute Don Bosco Kurla, located in the city of Mumbai within the Indian state of Maharashtra, signed a memorandum of understanding with Motul Atlantic Lubricants and Specialties to establish a 1,100 square foot training center for students to learn


(MissionNewswire) Salesian missionaries in Madrid, Spain have signed three collaboration agreements with the companies FeuVert, Analysis and Simulation (AyS Group) and Herco. These companies will provide training, technology and consultation to Salesian vocational training centers to improve offerings for students and the professional skills of their teachers. The


(MissionNewswire) Salesian missionaries working in the province that comprises Thailand, Cambodia and Laos recently wrapped up 10 weeks of collaboration culminating in a two-day meeting and training session that took place at the Bangkok provincial house in Thailand. Both rectors and provincial council members participated in the