
The Salesian Hostel in the Don Bosco community of Onitsha, located in the Anambra State of Nigeria, has the support needed for a new roof project thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions. While the roof is not yet completed, the funding helped pay for construction of roof beams, fabrication

Radio Don Bosco Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo* lost some of its most valuable equipment during February rainstorms. Its 2,000-kilowatt transmitter was severely damaged by lightning, which hit the facilities and destroyed the motherboard circuit. The failure was so severe that it had a considerable impact on


Americas & Caribbean

Salesian centers in Sangradouro and Meruri, Brazil, were host to 34 medical students and doctors from the University Center Faculty of Medicine of Santos (UNILUS). This was the 15th expedition of the Academic Project of Assistance to Indigenous Peoples (PAAPI), which started in 2009. The project provided medical clinics for

Salesian missionaries in the cities of Santa Fe and Rosario, Argentina, have mobilized to provide food support to 240 vulnerable families. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Census data, poverty rates in the country are alarming, with many families lacking the resources to meet their basic needs. This


Asia & Oceania

A group of 5th-grade students from Nepal Don Bosco School, located in Siddhipur, Nepal, visited the settlement for Rohingya refugees in the District of Lalitpur, a neighboring district of Kathmandu. The refugees were driven out of their homeland of Myanmar 12 years ago. The settlement has 88 Muslim families in

The Salesian Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish’s Youth Coordination Council has facilitated the training “Identifying Emotional Abuse in the Family.” More than 150 members from various youth groups of the Salesian Youth Movement, recipients of youth scholarships and members of other parishes participated in the meeting.



Graphic design students from the Salesian Institute in Pamplona, Spain, and the Don Bosco Center in Marseilles, France, collaborated on the “Printing Smiles” project. Together, they presented the project to the public and highlighted its impact of providing games and recreational material for children at the Navarre Hospital Complex’s pediatric


Special Reports From Salesian Missions

More than 340 million women and girls will live in extreme poverty by 2030 and close to one in four will experience moderate or severe food insecurity, according to the recent “Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2023” report released by UN Women and United Nations Department

Salesian Missions joins humanitarian organizations and countries around the globe in honoring International Day of the Girl on Oct. 11. The day, first held in 2012, was established to promote equal treatment and opportunities for girls and is an acknowledgment by the world that there is a disparity in the

Salesian Missions joins humanitarian organizations and countries around the globe in honoring World Teachers’ Day celebrated each year on Oct. 5. The day honors the vital role that teachers play in the lives of their students. Since 1994, World Teachers’ Day has been held annually and commemorates the anniversary of