Salesian missionaries in the Maturacá mission in Alto Rio Negro, the Brazilian part of Amazon rainforest, provided support for the Yanomami Indigenous community thanks

The Don Bosco Youth Center in Matriz de Camaragibe, Brazil, sheltered 128 families displaced by flooding, providing 388 people with food, clothing, personal hygiene

Salesian Schools Network of Brazil has been holding the sporting competition Nordestão Salesiano (Salesian Northeast) since 1984. This year the competition took place in Recife,

Salesian missionaries in Brazil are teaching youth how to develop sustainable gardens both to provide an extra food source and to highlight the importance

Salesian volunteers with Operation Mato Grosso delivered 300 food baskets to families in various Xavante villages in Campinápolis, Brazil. The villages are served by

Salesian institutions in Brazil are focused on cancer research and on the importance of prevention, early detection, and proper treatment of cancer. Two studies

Salesian centers in Sangradouro and Meruri, Brazil, were host to 41 medical students and doctors from the University Center Faculty of Medicine in Santos.

Don Bosco Catholic University in Campo Grande, Brazil, was one of the winning institutions in the first edition of the Citizenship Award sponsored by

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