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Don Bosco Technical College, located in Cebu, Philippines, organized a two-day first aid training “Common Emergencies and Basic Life Support” for youth in July. The training was held in collaboration with Recoletos University in San Jose and the Adelante Life Emergency Rescue Team-Emergency Medical Service.


More than 100 students and teachers from the Salesian college and senior secondary school in Sonata participated in planting over 1,000 trees in the Tukrey Forest in Gorabari, Darjeeling, India. They worked along with religious leaders, police personnel, non-governmental organization members and forest department employees.


Salesian missionaries with the Africa Great Lakes Province (Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda) have been supporting people impacted by the flooding caused by the Sebeya River in Rwanda in May. Salesians were able to provide this support thanks to donations from Don Bosco Mondo in Germany and