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UGANDA: Youth learn to protect environment

Salesians hold sustainability workshops in Uganda

Salesians hold sustainability workshops 


(MissionNewswire) Workshops with eco-club members were recently held at three vocational training centers in Palabek, Bombo and Kamuli, Uganda. Youth were trained on topics such as climate-friendly agriculture, waste management, solar technology and sustainable business development. The participants were able to take this knowledge back to their training centers after the workshop. The goal is to ensure that as many youth as possible have access to this important information.

A Salesian missionary said, “Environmental protection and sustainability have a permanent place at training centers in Uganda. At many Don Bosco schools and vocational training centers around the globe there are now eco-clubs that work locally for environmental and climate protection.”

The eco-clubs and focus on sustainability were motivated by the teachings of Pope Francis’ 2020 Laudato Si’, which underlined the importance of education and training that will help youth foster environmental responsibility.

Salesian vocational training centers offers a number of courses in construction, electrical installation, electrical repair, electronics, hospitality, tourism, materials development and textiles. Because Salesian missionaries live in the communities in which they work, they are able to develop courses that give students the skills necessary to meet the demands of the local job market. The goal being to help each student transition out of the classroom directly into work.

Nearly 21% of the population in Uganda lives below the poverty line, according to the World Bank. This number rises to 33% for those living in the northern region where poverty is greatest. While seeing some economic growth as well as improvement in its United Nations Human Development Index ranking over the last 20 years, Uganda still ranks near the bottom at 159 out of 189 countries. After decades of war left many displaced, the people of Uganda face many significant challenges as they work to rebuild their country.



Photo courtesy of Don Bosco Green Alliance

Don Bosco Green Alliance – Sustainability workshop organized in Uganda

Salesian Missions – Uganda

World Bank – Uganda

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