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THAILAND: Band students prep at camp

Students in the Salesian Banpong Band

Band to perform at Salesian Sports Festival in January


(MissionNewswire) Students in the Salesian Banpong Band took part in a preparation camp to get ready for their upcoming performance at the Salesian Sports Festival, Thailand, which will be held in January 2024. The camp brought together 220 youth from five different Salesian schools.

The students were divided into groups according to the musical instrument they play and were assigned a teacher to help them practice. After, the students came together to play as one. The camp was an opportunity for these students not only to practice music and showcase their musical talents, but also to socialize and create a team spirit.

“Salesians encourage youth to learn an instrument and participate in bands when possible as it’s a great learning tool to help in all facets of life,” said Father Timothy Ploch, interim director of Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco. “Music can help enhance their social skills and develop new friendships. Being a member of an orchestra or band provides opportunities to improve team skills, as the musicians need to listen to each other and work together.”

Thailand has shown considerable economic growth over the last 20 years, reducing its poverty rate from 21% in 2000 to 10.9% in 2018, according to the World Bank. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, caused a sharp rise in the country’s “targeted poor” (those who hold state-issued welfare cards) as noted by the Thai People Map and Analytics Platform. There are 8.1 million people in Thailand who are poor and 4.4 million below poverty line.

Although the country has made strides in reducing poverty before the pandemic, improving nutrition and meeting the basic needs of its residents, inequality is still pervasive. More children are also dropping out of school, especially those who are not living with their parents.



ANS Photo (usage permissions and guidelines must be requested from ANS) 

ANS – Thailand – Students belonging to the Banpong Band are preparing for their performance at the Salesian Sports Festival

Salesian Missions – Thailand

Salesian Thailand

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