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TANZANIA: Engineering students graduate

36 students receive degrees from Don Bosco Kilimanjaro International Institute


(MissionNewswire) Thirty-six students have graduated from Don Bosco Kilimanjaro International Institute for Telecommunications, Electronics and Computers (Don Bosco KIITEC), located in Arusha, Tanzania. The students received their degrees in electrical engineering, industrial automation, electronics and telecommunications, and computer engineering.

A Salesian noted, “One of the most interesting aspects of this school is the strong female representation in sectors that in the past were traditionally dominated by males. The increasing number of graduates reflects a positive change in society and launches a strong message of inclusion.”

Don Bosco KIITEC serves poor youth and young adults. The school sits on a 15-acre campus that offers the most advanced training technologies in the region. Courses include electrical engineering with industrial automation, renewable energy, and computer science, as well as electronics and telecommunications.

The school’s education model is based on a hands-on and student-centered approach to learning with full access to modern equipment simulating real-world experiences. The school is also registered and accredited by the National Council for Technical Education and awards successful graduates with a three-year National Technical Award Level Six diploma.

“Salesians know that access to education lays the foundation for a better future for all youth,” said Father Timothy Ploch, interim director for Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco. “In many countries around the globe where poverty is high and access to education is not universal, it is crucial that Salesian missionaries continue to offer technical and vocational training to as many youth as possible to ensure that they have access to long-term stable employment.”

In Tanzania, 67.9% of the population lives below the poverty line. While the country has seen some economic growth in tourism, mining, trade and communication, the number of Tanzanians living below the poverty line has marginally increased due to rapid population growth. In some regions, up to half of the population struggles to meet the cost of essential food and shelter and other basic necessities like clothing, health care and education. Nearly 43% of the population lives in extreme poverty.



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ANS – Tanzania – Giving strength to the future generation: celebration of the graduation of 36 engineering students

Don Bosco Kilimanjaro International Institute for Telecommunications, Electronics and Computers

Salesian Missions – Tanzania

UNICEF – Tanzania

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