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(UNICEF) It is 8:00 a.m. in Ponleak village, Kampong Thom, and the sun is already high in the sky. A line of oxen amble down the dry dirt road past Vath Ngim’s house on stilts. Ngim and her neighbor Roeun Heourn sit on a large wood-slatted bed


(UNICEF) PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, 14 January 2013 – For the first time since 2005–2006, Haiti has updated data on the situation of children and women, enabling analysis of the earthquake response and helping establish where and who the most vulnerable children are. Positive findings The 2012 survey, known by


(MissionNewswire) Hendrix Pineda, a program officer with the Salesian Missions Office for International Programs, recently returned from Haiti where he was exploring a possible food-for-development project to be funded under Title II of the Farm Bill managed by the United States Agency