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MONGOLIA: Teacher credits Salesian education for success

Don Bosco Technical Institute and Assistance Center in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, provides education for youth

Over 300 students gaining skills at Don Bosco Technical Institute and Assistance Center


(MissionNewswire) Don Bosco Technical Institute and Assistance Center in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, provides education for youth who have not been able to complete a traditional high school education. The center has been in operation since 2001, starting with 30 students. Today more than 300 students are gaining skills in car mechanics, tailoring, secretarial services, welding and construction.

Yanjinpagam is a sewing teacher at the institute. She said, “At age 5, my health worsened and my back began to round and lose mobility. My legs became paralyzed, and I was unable to speak and stand. I spent seven years in bed. Then at the age of 12, thanks to an operation, I partially recovered the use of my legs, and at 12 years of age I finally went to school for the first time at the Don Bosco Secondary and Technical School. After graduation, I was very worried because of my disability. I didn’t know which company would hire me.”

Yanjinpagam found work through the school where she had gained her education. “To my great surprise, the director of the school approached me and asked me to become a laboratory assistant with a great salary. I was overcome with joy. Subsequently, I was offered a scholarship to study fashion design at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. I worked and studied at the same time. To this day, I work as a sewing teacher and help my family. My life has changed for the better. I was truly blessed. Unfortunately, my back got worse due to osteoporosis and the lowering of my spine. However, I am deeply grateful to God and Don Bosco for giving me the opportunity to change my life. Thank you to all the benefactors who generously supported the work of the Salesians in Mongolia.”

Salesians in Mongolia provide education and social development services to aid poor youth and their families. Close to 27.8% of the population in Mongolia is living at or below the poverty line with a significant jump to 35% for those living in rural areas. Herders in the countryside struggle to survive as their traditional livelihood dissolves, and there are few job opportunities for young generations.



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ANS – Mongolia – Mongolian youth say in chorus: “Thanks to Don Bosco we did it!”

Salesian Missions – Mongolia

World Bank – Mongolia

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