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MADAGASCAR: 800 youth take part in activities

Salesian missionaries have been providing support for youth in Madagascar since 1981 offering education, literacy, professional training, pastoral care and oratories.

Salesians also provide education, meet basic needs in community


(MissionNewswire) Salesian missionaries have been providing support for youth in Madagascar since 1981. They offer education, literacy, and professional training, as well as pastoral care and oratories for youth. Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world and more than 60% of the population is under age 20.

The town of Ankililoaka has been home to a Salesian community for more than 40 years. Located in the southwest of Madagascar, the town and the area are poor. People are mostly supported by agriculture even though there is often a lack of water. In addition to education, Salesians focus efforts on ensuring that the people have their basic needs met. There has also been an oratory for youth since the beginning.

A Salesian noted, “The oratory has always been an important point of reference for youth where they are protected and learn the true meaning of friendship, respect, collaboration and responsibility. It’s been a space in which they grow, play and pray in the little church that is the heart of this oratory. More than 800 youth attend the activities there that are coordinated by 35 leaders.”

The Salesian added, “Play and sport have always been important to the Salesians and the youth we serve. There is much for youth to learn while they are having fun with their peers. At the oratory in Ankililoaka, we offer both basketball and volleyball. As the oratory continues to grow and serve even more youth, we are looking for international support to build two playgrounds. Mission Don Bosco in Italy is currently looking for the support to helps us carry out this project.”

Salesian missionaries have 11 centers and work in several locations in the country, including the Don Bosco House in Ivato in the outskirts of the capital of Antananarivo.

Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean off the coast of East Africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world. Seventy percent of Madagascar’s almost 19 million people live in poverty with 5.7 million of those youth between the ages of 10-24, according to UNICEF. This number is expected to double by 2025.



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ANS – Madagascar – The oratory in Ankililoaka has a new life

Salesian Missions – Madagascar

UNICEF – Madagascar

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