INDIA: Sustainable agriculture promoted
Don Bosco Green Alliance participates in international conference
(MissionNewswire) Don Bosco Green Alliance, an international collective of youth from Salesian institutions and organizations that contribute to global environmental action, thought, and policy, participated in a two-day conference titled “Back 2 Nature”, which was held in November 2023, in Bangalore, India.
“Back 2 Nature” is a worldwide program started 20 years ago by Jugend Eine Welt – Don Bosco Austria in Nepal. The program promotes sustainable agriculture as a form of livelihood for marginalized people and aims to reduce forms of cultivation that are harmful to nature and people. There is also a special focus on economical sustainability. Initiatives have been focused on India, Philippines, Mozambique and Sierra Leone.
The speakers at the conference highlighted their experiences in making social impact initiatives financially sustainable. This involves working with a range of professionals including marketing experts, credit providers and local farmers. They also discussed the aspects of developing a sustainable product.
On the second day of the conference, participants chose one of three field trips to attend to gain hands-on experience. Participants could visit SELCO India, which offers solar energy-based solutions for poor households in rural India; City Green, an agri-tech start-up in controlled environment agriculture; or Gourmet Garden, which specializes in affordable, 100% contamination- and pesticide-free naturoponically grown, organic vegetables procured from certified partner farms.
A Salesian said, “Organic farming and sustainability relies on mutual trust. That’s one of the reasons for the organizers to use their international network for promoting partnerships between trustworthy partners, landowners, and farmers, as well as social businesses, impact investors, and everyone who can bring expertise to our common home.”
Don Bosco Green Alliance was launched in April 2018 in India. Since its launch, the organization has gained registered members from 86 countries. Membership is open to all Salesian institutions and organizations worldwide.
Photo courtesy of Don Bosco Green Alliance
Don Bosco Green Alliance – Back 2 Nature conference organised by Jugend Eine Welt Austria, SAVE foundation Belgium and SKIP India