EGYPT: Youth grow through sports
Nearly 100 youth participate in Don Bosco Institute’s socio-sports school
(MissionNewswire) Almost 100 Egyptian youth are participating in the socio-sports school at the Don Bosco Institute in Alexandria, Egypt. The school is carried out in collaboration with the Salesian Mission Office in Madrid and the Real Madrid Foundation.
Through soccer and basketball, along with psychological and social support, boys and girls between the ages of 5-17 enjoy playing sports, put healthy values into practice and improve their school performance, all in an environment conducive to teamwork.
A Salesian explained, “Two days a week, youth are involved in three hours of soccer and basketball training. They are also provided a snack during this time. Sports and education complement each other, and youth learn study habits, hygiene and healthy eating, as well as the values of companionship and solidarity. Youth experience a positive transformation that translates into the development of discipline, punctuality and responsibility.”
The partnership between the Salesian Mission Office and the Real Madrid Foundation began in 2010 in a Salesian school in Senegal. Today, the collaboration has 21 projects in 15 countries and serves nearly 4,000 children each season, using educational sport and its values as a catalyst for the social betterment of youth and communities.
Both the Real Madrid Foundation and Salesians are aware that sports are important for social integration and the promotion of values like teamwork, communication, respect and team spirit. As part of the Real Madrid Foundation’s “They play, we educate” program, participants receive nutrition, family and psychological support, regular health checkups, the opportunity to participate in social and educational workshops, gymnastics, crafts, reading, and citizenship activities. Training sessions on topics such as health, hygiene, values, and the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse are also provided.
The socio-sports school in Alexandria also provided education on anti-bullying and anti-discrimination, fostering empathy, understanding and inclusion through the acceptance of differences, whether cultural, racial, religious or individual.
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ANS – Egypt – Study, sport and solidarity at Real Madrid’s Don Bosco Socio-Sports School in Alexandria