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DR CONGO: Donations keep youth in school

Youth in the Salesian community of Boscolac, located in Mugunga, Democratic Republic of the Congo*, have useful tools for their education thanks to Marineo Solidale.

Students also benefit from donations for educational tools


(MissionNewswire) Youth in the Salesian community of Boscolac, located in Mugunga, Democratic Republic of the Congo*, have useful tools for their education thanks to Marineo Solidale, an Italian organization, and Poste Italiane, the Italian postal service.

Marineo Solidale has been supporting Salesian programs for several years. This year, Marineo Solidale is coming to the aid of youth in Boscolac community by paying their school fees. Youth at Maison des Jeunes in Lubumbashi have also had their school fees paid as well as benefited from sports uniforms, soccer balls and volleyballs. In addition, thanks to donor funding, youth at Maison des Jeunes have new welding stations, grinders, drills, clamps and many other useful items for professional training courses.

Both Maison des Jeunes and the Boscolac communities host professional training workshops, with courses on carpentry, welding, construction, cutting and sewing, hairdressing, and beautician skills. Salesians aim to educate youth so they can become employed and responsible citizens.

“We want to do our best by providing maximum assistance to our children,” said Father Pascal Mumba, a Salesian from the Province of Central Africa. “That is why we can only express our heartfelt thanks to Marineo Solidale for their help and to Poste Italiane, which sponsored this project to carry out these activities. Thank you for supporting the Salesian mission.”

Salesian missionaries have been working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for more than 100 years ensuring that the most vulnerable children are not forgotten. Salesian primary and secondary schools and programs lay the foundation for early learning while Salesian trade, vocational and agricultural programs offer many youth the opportunity for a stable and productive future.



ANS Photo (usage permissions and guidelines must be requested from ANS) 

ANS – Democratic Republic of Congo – International solidarity bringing aid and development: from Sicily to Central Africa

Salesian Missions – Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNHCR – Democratic Republic of the Congo

*Any goods, services, or funds provided by Salesian Missions to programs located in these countries were administered in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including sanctions administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control.

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