Bosco Global, supported by the Agency for Development Cooperation of Extremadura, facilitates an eco-sustainability project to improve life for those living in rural communities

Techo Pinardi, part of the Don Bosco Project in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, offers a center for adolescents living on the city streets. Most of

Don Bosco Popular Schools Network laid a foundation stone for a new building for the Centro Virgen Niña Association, which is part of the

Two new classrooms and a corridor have been added through a construction project at the Topater School in the city of El Alto, Bolivia.

Salesian missionaries offer schools and social development programs across Bolivia to ensure youth have access to education and hope for a brighter future. The

The village of Kami, nestled high in the Andes Mountains in Bolivia, faces extreme isolation from the rest of the country. A persistently cold

Salesian-run Radio-Television Ichilo, based in the municipality of Yapacaní in the Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, was attacked on Nov. 10 by a violent

The Salesian educational center Don Bosco El Prado in La Paz, Bolivia, closed on Nov. 6 after police detonated five tear gas grenades inside

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