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BRAZIL: Students learn about waste disposal and recycling

Don Bosco Institute’s CEDESP Vila Paulistana unit visited the LOGA Logística Ambiental de São Paulo S.A

Don Bosco Institute event focuses on environmental impact


(MissionNewswire) Students with Don Bosco Institute’s CEDESP Vila Paulistana unit visited the LOGA Logística Ambiental de São Paulo S.A., which is responsible for the collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal of household and health waste in São Paulo, Brazil.

The 49 students who participated in this event were from the logistics and marketing classes. Lucas Borba, technical analyst at LOGA, gave the students a tour and taught them how sorting is carried out. Diogenes Pereira led the training with a focus on environmental impact.

Fabiana Santello, communications educator at Don Bosco Institute, said, “During the presentations it became clear that the organic waste collected each day is much more than the recyclable waste collected during the month. While the organic waste varies from 6,000 tons per day, the recyclable waste is 2,000 tons per month. What is really lacking is public awareness of the environmental, economic and social importance of this process.”

Both the staff and students enjoyed the visit and learned much from their time there. Thiago B. Santos, a logistics student, explained, “I thought the visit was very good, informative. We have to leave here with a different mindset now, tell our friends and family that you don’t throw your garbage away.”

Salesian missionaries in Brazil provide education, workforce development and social services throughout the country. Missionaries help to meet the basic needs of poor youth, including street children, and provide them with an education and life skills to gain employment, break the cycle of poverty, and lead productive lives.

According to the World Bank, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on Brazil with poverty tripling in 2021. Nearly 17 million people fell into poverty in the first quarter of the year and the poverty rate now is higher than it was a decade ago. Researchers estimate that 12.8% of Brazil’s population, some 27 million people, are now living below the poverty line.



Photo courtesy of Don Bosco Green Alliance

Don Bosco Green Alliance – CEDESP Dom Bosco Vila Paulistana students in Brazil receive sustainability training at LOGA

Don Bosco Institute

Salesian Missions – Brazil

World Bank – Brazil

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