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INDIA: Graduates of Salesian teacher training course find employment quickly after graduation

(MissionNewswire) Salesian graduates taking a teacher training diploma course for elementary education at the Job Oriented Training Institute, which is part of the Don Bosco Technical School in Kalimpong, India, are finding jobs quickly after graduation. The two-year course is mandatory for anyone who wants a government job as an elementary/primary school teacher.

“Our Institute offers 12 job-oriented training programs to rural youth including one two-year course, five one-year courses and six three-month courses,” says Salesian Brother Lawrence Mondol, principal of Don Bosco Technical School. “As many of our rural young people do not qualify either academically or financially for this government-recognized diploma course, we have also come up with a one-year program providing the same teacher training for half the cost.”

Brother Mondol adds, “These budding teachers, as they teach in primary schools, will also continue with their studies so that they will be qualified and full-fledged teachers one day. This is the dream of every trainee.”

Five recent graduates of the one-year program have already accepted jobs. “These girls from Siliguri plains and Kalimpong hills are children of daily laborers who cannot afford the two-year program,” explains Br. Mondol, who is proud of their performance.

Salesian College Sonada alumnus, Jince Joseph, who runs Kidzone Play School and Montessori in Kerala, says, “They are offered, besides a starting salary of Rs 9,000, free food and accommodation on campus, free Montessori training as well as awards and recognition for outstanding teachers, as well as incentives for the best performers.”

The two-year teacher training course currently has 15 students enrolled each year while the one-year program has 30 students. Other diploma courses at Don Bosco Technical School Kalimpong include office management, computer application, automobile mechanic, electrician and wiremen, hotel management, tourism, beautician, motor driving practice, personality development and spoken English. Of these, the hotel management and electrician courses, both of which are government of West Bengal certificate courses, are free.

Salesian programs across India are primarily focused on education. Salesian primary and secondary education in the country helps youth prepare for later technical, vocational or university study. Other programs help to support poor youth and their families by meeting the basic needs of shelter, proper nutrition and medical care.

Access to professional training and workforce development services is highly valued by youth in India. The country, which is home to 1.34 billion people (18 percent of the world’s population), will have overtaken China as the world’s most populous country by 2024, according to the World Economic Forum. While India has the world’s largest youth population, it has yet to capitalize on this, leaving some 30 percent of this population without employment, education or training.

India has the world’s fourth largest economy but more than 22 percent of the country lives in poverty. About 31 percent of the world’s multidimensionally poor children live in India, according to a new report by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative. A multidimensionally poor child is one who lacks at least one-third of 10 indicators, grouped into three dimensions of poverty: health, education and standard of living.



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ANS – India – Teacher Training Don Bosco diploma fetches jobs faster

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