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ETHIOPIA: Salesian Missions Helps Fund Professional Training in Development Management for Teachers, Staff

(MissionNewswire) Salesian missionaries in Ethiopia recently held a management course for 30 Salesian teachers and management staff to aid in their professional development. The course was funded in part by Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, located in New Rochelle, New York. The training focused on increasing the knowledge base of Salesian missionaries and lay staff to continue to meet the objective detailed in the National Technical & Vocational Education and Training Strategy designed by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Education.

The course touched on subjects related to the proper management of human, material and financial resources of the educational centers needed to meet the new educational challenges faced by teachers in the education of young Ethiopians. No education institution can succeed without the provision of highly-qualified and motivated teachers and management staff. One of the biggest challenges in Ethiopia is having highly-qualified teachers in the classroom and people with the appropriate level skill leading the technical and vocational training institutions, which provide the skills necessary for youth to find and retain stable employment.

Salesian teachers face many challenges educating poor youth. Many of their students have faced severe poverty and often lack basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. Some were previously living and working on the streets, and others have faced war as child soldiers or become refugees in war torn communities. Salesian teachers meet these challenges head on, providing education and hope for a brighter future.

“Salesian centers are dedicated to providing high-quality teacher training, safe working environments, professional development and the support they need,” says Father Mark Hyde, executive director of Salesian Missions. “The value of strong teachers can be seen in the accomplishments of youth that graduate from their classes. Salesian missionaries believe that access to education and highly-qualified teachers is critical to help youth learn job skills, improve their lives and find a path out of poverty.”

Salesian missionaries in many of the poorest places around the globe are dedicated to improving the working conditions and quality of training for teachers and management staff.

“Quality education depends on well-trained teachers and functional schools and centers,” adds Fr. Hyde. “Salesian teachers help prepare students to easily transition from Salesian primary schools into continued higher education where they can begin to focus on finding a career path and learning the skills necessary to lead a productive life.”

Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world with more than 38 percent of its population living in poverty, according to Feed the Future. Close to 85 percent of the country’s workforce is employed in agriculture but frequent droughts severely affect the agricultural economy leaving more than 12 million people chronically, or at least periodically, food insecure. In addition, more than two-thirds of the population is illiterate.

The country has 4 million orphans which account for nearly 12 percent of all children, and according to UNICEF, more than half a million of these were orphaned as a result of the HIV/AIDS crisis that has affected the country. Thousands more children run away each year seeking a better life on the streets.



ANS – Ethiopia – Management course for Salesian schools and Professional Centres

UNICEF – Ethiopia

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Stacy Jones