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Students attending Salesian schools in Egypt have received scholarships thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions. In total, 235 scholarships were provided for Sudanese

Youth attending Salesian programs in Madagascar had access to better nutrition thanks to a partnership between Salesian Missions and Feed My Starving Children. The

Youth taking part in Manzini Youth Care programs, located in the city of Manzini in Eswatini (Swaziland), have better nutrition thanks to an ongoing

Salesian missionaries from Don Bosco Gumbo, who are hosting more than 10,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in a camp in Juba, Gumbo, South Sudan,

Salesian missionaries are continuing to help support youth and their families while conditions grow more perilous because of the year-long armed conflict in the

The Salesian Père Michael Training Center in Bamako, the capital and largest city of Mali, is bringing joy, providing education, and cultivating peace among

Don Bosco Boys Town, located in Nairobi, Kenya, teaches technical skills to youth from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds. These youth, who live in

Salesian missionaries have developed the St. Joseph’s Farm, in Sagamu, Nigeria, thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions. The farm is a center for