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BRAZIL: Salesian University is Ranked Eighth Best University in all of Brazil

(MissionNewswire) According to results released by Brazil’s Ministry of Education, the Salesian-run Catholic University Center of Vitória was ranked as the best university center in the State of Espírito Santo and the eighth best in all of Brazil. The research that confirmed the ranking was conducted by Anísio Teixeira (Inep), the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research. Looking at published data on the National Exam of Student Performance for 2015, the University’s administration courses, accounting sciences and psychology programs received four points out of a total score of five.

The University Center belongs to the Saint John Bosco Province of Belo Horizonte. In the past two years, it has received four out of five points in all the courses evaluated. According to the rector of the University, Salesian Brother Cledson Rodrigues, the community has good reason to be proud of this result.

“This institution was founded 16 years ago as a Salesian Catholic Faculty in Espírito Santo. Last year, with great effort, we managed to turn it into Vitória Catholic University Center and are happy with the results of this evaluation,” says Brother Rodrigues. “It is the result of planning, huge investment in quality education based on the pedagogy of Don Bosco and, above all, a highly committed and qualified staff.”

The University offers projects and courses focused on the sciences for both master and doctorate level degrees. Students also benefit from agreements with large companies for hands-on experience, as well as interdisciplinary, innovation and entrepreneurship projects that round out the students’ classroom studies. The institution also follows the technological innovations and changes in education paradigms. It has been investing for a long time in software, tools, games and virtual learning environments. In this model, students become the center of learning and the teachers work with challenges and real situations.

Brazil has one of the strongest economies in Latin America and is an important agricultural and industrial power in the region. Just over 15 percent of Brazilians live in poverty, with the majority living in the rural northeast of the country, according to the World Bank. While Brazil is making positive changes, there are still large gaps between the poor and the rich, and issues of income inequality and social exclusion remain at the root of poverty.

Inequalities also exist in access to education and educational efficiency. These inequalities are greatest for children and youth who are poor, live in rural areas or who have an incomplete compulsory education. Salesian missionaries working with poor youth and their families in Brazil develop programs and provide youth opportunities for furthering their education and skills.



ANS – Brazil – The Catholic University Centre of Vitória is the eighth best in the country

Catholic University Center of Vitória

World Bank – Brazil

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