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ITALY: Teachers empowered for safer schools

Salesian Pontifical University course helps educators address challenges

Salesian Pontifical University course helps educators address challenges


(MissionNewswire) Salesian Pontifical University’s Institute of Psychology in Rome has organized a course for teachers focusing on strategies to address classroom management challenges and to support students. The goal is to empower teachers to make the learning environment an even safer and more inclusive place.

A Salesian said, “Teaching represents a stimulating and rewarding challenge, but, in the face of difficult class groups and students, it can turn into an experience full of complications if methods and tools aimed at particularly effective management are not adopted.”

Aimed at teachers at all levels, school leaders and school psychologists, the course is directed by Prof. Alessandro Ricci. It will consist of three different modules, including addressing group dynamics in the classroom, dealing with difficult students and conflict management, and rules for students and families.

With both theoretical and practical skills, participants will learn strategies for effective involvement with other teachers, students and parents in the school environment. In addition, strategies for prevention and promotion of socio-relational well-being in school will be addressed.

The Salesian added, “These skills will cover a range of school grades and situations that come up in the classroom. We want teachers to be able to prevent conflicts, but if they can’t, then they need to learn how to effectively put in place rules, handle conflict and improve the school-family collaboration.”

Salesian programs across Italy help youth who are unable to attend school and others who drop out to work at the few jobs available to them. A growing number of children work as laborers on farms and others have turned to the sex trade to help support their families. Those in poverty often live without adequate shelter, hot water, regular meals and health care.

Poverty rose sharply in 2020 to its highest level in 15 years as the COVID-19 crisis brought economic challenges for much of the country. With subsequent inflation, 1 in 12 Italians lived in absolute poverty in 2022, causing 5.67 million individuals and 2.18 million families to have an income level that did not support them to meet basic needs of life including food, shelter, education and healthcare. This number includes 1.3 million minors.



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ANS – Italy – A formation course at the UPS to help teachers in “managing the classroom and difficult pupils”

Salesian Pontifical University

Salesian Missions – Italy

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