SPAIN: Initiative aims to improve vocational training
DB Wave project brings together 8 Salesian organizations from 6 European countries to improve vocational training
(MissionNewswire) The DB Wave project brings together eight Salesian organizations from the six European countries of Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Hungary and France. The goal of the project is to strengthen the European Salesian network of vocational training centers. In the long term, the project is expected to impact approximately 60,000 students and 7,000 teachers from the European Union, increasing the quality of training and inclusion.
The development of a European network began with coordination by the Salesian Youth Ministry Department. Starting from a meeting in Rome in 2012, the network has continued to grow not only in the number of participants and countries represented, but also in the number of projects among the Salesian partners.
Among the latest activities was a peer review of vocational training centers in the Spain Mary Help of Christians Province, in Seville and Rota, by experts from CNOS-FAP, the National Salesian Center for Vocational Training and Ongoing Education in Italy.
The peer review methodology included interviews with representatives at the educational centers, coordinators of international projects and work teams. At the Seville center, students also participated in the interviews in some cases.
Most recently, the Salesian training centers in Pamplona and Soto del Real were visited by a Salesian organization in Hungary and Tech Don Bosco in Madrid in order to learn about, analyze, and evaluate the internationalization model developed in these centers.
Miguel Esquiroz, director general of Tech Don Bosco, said, “We visited the two centers which have already developed their own internationalization strategy, have a team dedicated to internationalization and integrate the work of this team in the different areas of educational activity of their centers.”
Salesian missionaries have been working for many years to provide educational and workforce development opportunities for poor youth and women in Spain through residential, technical and vocational training programs.
Close to 32 percent of young Spanish workers under the age of 25 are unemployed and a growing number of them can’t afford to buy enough food to live. Poor youth with few employable skills struggle the most to find and retain stable employment. Women in Spain face inequality in the workforce. They earn up to 14 percent less than men and represent only 34.5 percent of those listed as the highest earners in Spain.
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ANS – Spain – “DB Wave” project gets underway
Salesian Missions – Spain
World Bank – Spain