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(FoodAid.org) April 30, 2012, Washington, DC – The Alliance for Global Food Security urges the Senate to revise several provisions in the 2012 Farm Bill that severely limit the use of food aid to promote development and to help crisis-prone communities become food secure and


(MissionNewswire) Children should not have to face the perils of war. But in many countries around the globe, children—both boys and girls—are recruited by force to fight ongoing battles in their homelands. They are subjected to sexual violence, psychological and physical harm and even death.


(MissionNewswire) Childhood should be a time of innocence and schooling. But that’s not the reality for youth in Sri Lanka being recruited to fight the country’s civil war. For these youth, it’s weapons and war rather than school books and play. While the civil war’s official


(UNHCR) – Senor Padilla, his wife and two of their children escaped to San Lorenzo, Ecuador in late February, joining the growing number of people fleeing fresh violence in nearby Colombia. "We came because two paramilitary factions and one guerrilla group were wreaking havoc


(MissionNewswire) The potential to help nearly 4,000 children made homeless due to the aftermath of Sierra Leone’s decade-long civil war is behind the launch of a new, 24-hour telephone counseling hotline. The Child Hotline 116 is an around-the-clock counseling hotline staffed by social workers—along with other