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ITALY: Salesian student honored at training school

Student from Salesian Giostra Oratory chosen as 1 of best 3 students at new Samsung Customer Service School


(MissionNewswire) Salesian Giostra Oratory in Messina, Italy, has announced that one of its students, Giovanni Napolitano, has been named one of the three best students in the first edition of the Samsung Customer Service School. This free advanced training school, promoted by Samsung Electronics Italy, Randstad Italy and Salesians for Social, was created to train service specialists. Salesians for Social developed this partnership with Samsung and other companies to create employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth.

In Italy, there is a current shortage of prospective employees with the right technical skills to fill service specialties. As a result, companies are having a difficult time filling positions. In July 2022, this impacted more than 40 percent of planned hires, about 10 percent higher than in July 2021.

The first class of the Samsung Customer Service School had 13 students, ages 18-22, from all over Italy. The students studied topics like thermodynamics of refrigeration, air conditioning, electrical engineering, fault diagnostics, data analysis, service marketing, behavioral techniques, entrepreneurship and customer service, among other topics.

“The first edition of the Customer Service School has come to an end. I appreciated the lively curiosity of the students and the healthy spirit of competition to achieve the result,” said Vito Fortunato, head of customer service at Samsung Electronics Italy. “I believe I can say that we have set up the school with rigor, leaving nothing to chance.”

Ettore Jovane, head of the air conditioning business at Samsung Electronics Italy, added, “The development of our products, designed by leveraging the most innovative technologies, must necessarily go hand-in-hand with the training and enhancement of human capital. Thanks to this joint project with Randstad and Salesians for Social we can offer advanced skills and train complete and up-to-date professional figures on new trends thanks to a unique path on the market.”

Osteljano Doka and Luigi D’Angelo are the other two award winners, both final-year students at the Luxembourg Institute in Milan. Each of the chosen students will be awarded a scholarship worth approximately 2,000 euros, which includes free enrollment in a course to obtain the F-GAS license, which is essential to work as service technicians on air conditioning systems. The students will also receive a tool kit for refrigeration/air conditioning technical interventions and additional in-depth training focused on management and entrepreneurship topics.

Salesian programs across Italy help youth who are unable to attend school and others who drop out to work at the few jobs available to them. A growing number of children work as laborers on farms and others have turned to the sex trade to help support their families. Those in poverty often live without adequate shelter, hot water, regular meals and health care.

Poverty rose sharply in 2020 to its highest level in 15 years as the COVID-19 crisis brought economic challenges for much of the country. Close to 5.6 million people or 9.4 percent of the population are living in absolute poverty unable to buy goods or services to achieve a minimally acceptable standard of living, according to the World Bank. This number includes 1.3 million minors.



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ANS – Italy – Young man from Messina’s Giostra Salesian oratory among best in first edition of “Customer Service School”

Salesian Missions – Italy

World Bank – Italy

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