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INDIA: 400 youth find employment

Don Bosco Job Placement Network helps more than 400 youth in Ranchi 


(MissionNewswire) Don Bosco Job Placement Network has been helping migrants find and retain safe and secure jobs, helping to mitigate challenges with migration. Recently, more than 400 youth who are skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled were provided with job opportunities across several business sectors through the network.

Don Bosco Job Placement Network has focused efforts on helping migrants in Ranchi, the capital of the Indian state of Jharkhand. The goal is to provide skills training and connect them with jobs in the formal labor market. Through Don Bosco ITI in Ranchi, youth attend courses and gain the skills they need. Once they graduate, the Don Bosco Job Placement Network can help them gain employment in fields that are hiring.

Recently, the network organized six placement drives which connected graduating students and migrants to partners from different employment sectors including manufacturing, hospitality, customer service, health services, financial services and IT.

Marcus Minj, placement coordinator at Don Bosco ITI Ranchi, said, “Jharkhand and its surrounding area are known for cheap labor migration, which has paved the way to modern slavery and labor exploitation. There is no platform that provides proper job market information for young job seekers. They mostly depend on information provided by brokers or so-called agents, which often guides them to mismatched jobs under exploitative situations.”

Minj added, “With Don Bosco Job Placement Network services, we were able to provide proper labor market information to youth who are searching for jobs. After on-boarding youth into our platform, we provide career guidance and give them appropriate information to match to their profile. We also help them understand that a proper education and skill upgrading can pave way to a better job opportunity.”

For those migrating to other areas, Don Bosco Job Placement Network has relationships to help the transition into a new labor market easier and safer. Minj explained, “We also offer support services for youth who migrate for jobs in Chennai, Bengaluru, Delhi and other major cities. Our regional coordinators assist youth who are migrating for jobs and ensure they are safe and secure in their job places. Our support service team also follows our candidates on a regular basis to make sure all is well. This service is well appreciated by both youth and recruiters.”

India has the world’s fourth largest economy but more than 22 percent of the country lives in poverty. About 31 percent of the world’s multidimensionally poor children live in India, according to a report by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.

India’s youth face a lack of educational opportunities due to issues of caste, class and gender. Almost 44 percent of the workforce is illiterate and less than 10 percent of the working-age population has completed a secondary education. In addition, many secondary school graduates do not have the knowledge and skills to compete in today’s changing job market.



Photo courtesy of Don Bosco South Asia

Don Bosco South Asia – Don Bosco Job Placement service Ranchi provides job opportunities for more than four hundred youth 

Don Bosco Job Placement Network

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