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PHILIPPINES: Youth learn to recognize emotional abuse

Salesians facilitate training on emotional abuse

Salesians facilitate training to bring awareness to issue


(MissionNewswire) The Salesian Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish’s Youth Coordination Council has facilitated the training “Identifying Emotional Abuse in the Family.” More than 150 members from various youth groups of the Salesian Youth Movement, recipients of youth scholarships and members of other parishes participated in the meeting held in the Philippines.

May Margaret Sim, a counselor and psychologist, shared her experience in recognizing emotional abuse within the family and shared her insight on how to deal with it. She also taught young people how to cope with emotional trauma. Father Fidel Ma. Orendain, superior of the Salesian Province of the Southern Philippines, also spoke at the event as part of the provincial visit to the parish.

A Salesian noted, “This is information that is applicable to all youth. Whether the emotional abuse is occurring at home, school or within their friend groups, being able to identify emotional abuse is the first step in addressing and overcoming the trauma it can cause. The goal is to bring awareness to the issue and help youth learn strategies to address it while also providing them the support they need.”

Since 1950, Salesian missionaries have been providing crucial help in the Philippines — working with at-risk youth, impoverished families and disaster victims. Salesians offer a variety of educational and social development programs for youth. The goal is to provide the opportunities necessary to gain an education and skills training to break the cycle of poverty and retain long-term employment.



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ANS – Philippines – Forming Young People for Life: Identifying Emotional Abuse in the Family

Salesian Missions – Philippines

UNICEF – Philippines

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