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RWANDA: Students benefit from education materials

Don Bosco Muhazi Technical-Vocational School, in the province of Rwanda,

Donation includes resources for environmental activities, art, sports and entrepreneurship


(MissionNewswire) Don Bosco Muhazi Technical-Vocational School, in the Gasabo district in the Kigali province of Rwanda, is celebrating the arrival of educational materials that will enhance the students’ activities. The materials were financed by the ACTEC project, a development program co-financed by the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.

Father Bavumiragiye Raymond, rector of Don Bosco Muhazi, expressed his gratitude to the ACTEC donors who made this project possible, and he emphasized the importance of the materials for the school.

One of the clubs benefiting from the donation is the environmental club. The materials provided will enable students to continue their important work of protecting the environment. Materials for arts and sports were also included as part of the donation.

A Salesian noted, “With these resources, students can explore their creativity and expand their artistic skills. In addition, the sports club received the necessary equipment that will enable them to improve their training and participate confidently in competitions.”

The donation also aimed to support entrepreneurship among the students. Materials for students in the welding course will enable them to participate in the practical training that will be provided in cooperation with Manumetal Rwandan Metal Factory. The students who have completed the welding course will be able to gain valuable practical experience and further improve their skills.

Salesian missionaries provide a range of educational and social development services in Rwanda. Poor youth are able to access programs including health services, nutrition, education and general support services that help them to lead healthy productive lives.

After bravely overcoming the trauma of the 1994 genocide, Rwandans looking to transform their country have made remarkable progress. Still, much remains to be done. Close to 39% of Rwandans live in poverty, according to the World Bank. Rwanda is a rural, agrarian country with about 35% of the population engaged in subsistence agriculture with some mineral and agro-processing. Many of the country’s orphaned children are the tragic result of a violent civil war. Half of all children drop out of primary school and 2.2 million people — 22% of the population — face critical food shortages.



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ANS – Rwanda – Materials needed for activities donated by the ACTEC project have arrived at the Don Bosco Muhazi CFP

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